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New buck danny web site

Publié : jeudi 25 mai 2006, 11:35
par salimbeti
Hi to everybody

I have created a new web site dedicated to US military aviation (helmets, equipmenst, models etc...)
A section with several pages is also dedicated to the adventures of Buck Banny.
Mostly of the pages are still under construction but I have already put on line several images and descriptions in the files: issue and authors, adventures of the 40s and early 50s.
As soon as complete the sections dedicated to Buck Danny will include all the story (40s, early50s, late 50s, 60s-70s, 80-today), with some images a summary and brief comments, a page dedicated to the main characters and several pages with all the aircrafts shown in the adventures.
I believe you will like the web site!
Please let me know if you find some errors or mistakes.
the link is:

Than go to the section Buck Danny. All the pages can be opened using the top page curtain menu.
Andrea Salimbeti

Re: New buck danny web site

Publié : jeudi 25 mai 2006, 13:57
par Baptiste
salimbeti a écrit :I believe you will like the web site!
Please let me know if you find some errors or mistakes.
the link is:

Than go to the section Buck Danny. All the pages can be opened using the top page curtain menu.
Andrea Salimbeti
Nice job!
Just a note about the history of Buck Danny: you said he was created by Jean-Micher Charlier and Victor Hubinon, but it isn't really accurate. He was created by Hubinon and a belgian journalist: Georges Troisfontaines. But after a dozen of pages, Troisfontaines transmitted the task of writing the stories to J-M Charlier, who leaded the comic for almost 50 years!

You can read a presentation (in french) on Aeroplanete web site:

Publié : jeudi 25 mai 2006, 14:13
par salimbeti
I 'll update the page with this informations.
Unfortunatelly I don't read the Frech very well so I often miss some informations or details reading French articles

Publié : jeudi 25 mai 2006, 16:16
par Merlock
salimbeti, that's a FANTASTIC job, you made! :o

I didn't know that Buck Danny existed in other langages than French (I admit, I never asked the question...), and this Englis site is excellent and presents Buck Danny very well!! I bookmark it!!

Congratulations, guy...

By the Way, and if you don't mind my question, where are you from, and what is your native langage ? 8)

Publié : jeudi 25 mai 2006, 16:44
par salimbeti
I' m Italian
Here the Adventures of Buck Danny have been published since the middle of 60s unfortunatelly only from the story "Pilote Dessai" the ones relevant to WWII have never been translate in Italian.
I get the missing numbers in France but because I never study French my understanding of the text is quite limitated to the easier words or phrases which have some similariry with the italian language.

Publié : jeudi 25 mai 2006, 18:23
par JYB
For Salimbeti (information about who were the first authors of Buck Danny) and Merlock (information about the translations in foreign countries) : see my own website on Jean-Michel Charlier :
with much explanations and images about Buck Danny in particular.
Alas, Salimbeti, this website is written in French only...

Publié : jeudi 25 mai 2006, 19:46
par salimbeti
Very intersting and well done site!!!
I 'll put the relevant link in my link page as soon as it will be ready.

Incredible! I have also planned to put near some of the stories the images of the alternative covers that have been published in Italy and Germany as Rex Danny

Publié : jeudi 25 mai 2006, 23:01
par Philou
Good work! I think it's the first one written in english and being so complete about Buck Danny.

I wish you good luck with your web site!
